Cat entertainment system/3D chess
The product of some experiments with Babylon.js to investigate its suitability for another project. Some interesting concepts are explored, such as the simple history timeline. Stockfish provides most of the AI, though at low levels I force suboptimal moves to keep it approachable for new and casual players.

Math I Can Do
Making math better
The Math I Can Do editor is for writing math that flows. Its unique data structure enables smart, math-aware features and behaviours that skip the error-prone tedious bits and let you write math up to three times faster than with pencil and paper.

Experimental design space explorer
Effective problem solving means trying many ideas, a process that typical productivity software doesn't support well. XDS lets users explore a space of possible design ideas with automated sketching and commands that can “go back in time” to alter history. Although XDS supports the design of ANOVA statistical experiments, the underlying ideas apply to many domains.

Strategic wordplay
A word game rewarding strategy, memory, and creativity, with scoring based on how different your words are. Dozens of special tiles, items, and bonuses scale up the challenge, while friendly robots and daily puzzles build vocabulary.

Strange Eons
Modding comes to the tabletop
This research project on supporting creative problem solving evolved into a full-featured app. Strange Eons lets you create new components for tabletop games, whether your own or commercial games that you want to “mod.”

Audio analysis for audiobooks
LibriVox organizes volunteers to record free audio versions of public domain books. Checker analyzes the audio, technical specs, and metadata of MP3 audio files to assure volunteers that they pass muster before they’re uploaded.

Fun ways to explore difficult topics
Over the years I’ve developed a number of animations and visualizations to demonstrate various algorithms, models, and other technical material. In this ongoing project, I bring the best of these to the Web as a series of articles with accompanying Web apps.